Idris Elba oficjalnie kandydatem do roli Rolanda

Idris Elba jako Roland Deschain

Grudniowe plotki się potwierdzają - Idris Elba jest już oficjalnie kandydatem do roli Rolanda Deschain w ekranizacji "Mrocznej Wieży", której premiera zapowiedziana jest na 13 stycznia 2017 roku.

Po pojawieniu się plotek o tym kandydacie, już w grudniu na ten temat pozytywnie wypowiedział się Stephen King:
Stephen King o kandydaturze Idrisa Elba do roli Rolanda

Kilka dni temu plotki zostały oficjalnie potwierdzone przez producenta projektu - Akivę Goldsman'a:
I think Idris Elba is the greatest possible idea for casting for Roland, and I'm unbelievably proud of it as a collaborator on this enterprise and because I think that he's a great actor and I couldn't be more thrilled that he is likely to play a part. I understand that people who are thoughtful about the storytelling and the racial politics of the storytelling might want to understand how that informs that storytelling, and I respect that and I hear that, and those things are not things we didn't think about or don't think about. The racist a--holes should go f--k themselves.

Poproszony o wyjasnienie, czy zmiana koloru skóry głównego bohatera sagi było od planowane od początku projektu Goldsman powiedział:
"100 percent it was literally, entirely who do we think the best guy for the job is and can we get him. That was it.(...)

For me, casting is an extrapolation. As soon as you are having an actor play a character, whether they be living or fictional, it's different. Movies are not lives, movies are not books. I think what we do as filmmakers is we interpret, and you are welcome to agree with our interpretation at any turn, but I encourage you to do it based on thoughtful, aesthetic acceptance and open-heartedness and not bias.





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