Fantasy & Science Fiction 4/1980

Fantasy & Science Fiction 4/1980 Data wydania: kwiecień 1980
Cena: $1,50

Pierwsza publikacja opowiadania "The Way Station" (kontynuacji "The Gunslinger", która ukazała się w paździeniku 1978 roku).

Fantasy & Science Fiction 4 1980 strona tytułowa noweli The Way Station

Wszystkie pięć części zostało zebrane w jeden tom dopiero w 1982 roku dzięki wydawnictwu Donald M. Grant.
Mroczna Wieża I: Roland - książka
Zobacz również
The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger: Last Shots (Marvel)
The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins (Marvel)
The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger: The Way Station (Marvel)
The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger: The Battle of Tull (Marvel)
The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger: The Man In Black (Marvel)
The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria (Marvel)
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins #1
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins #2
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins #3
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins #4
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins #5
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria #1
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria #2
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria #3
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria #4
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria #5
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Battle of Tull #1
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Battle of Tull #2
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Battle of Tull #3
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Battle of Tull #4
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Battle of Tull #5
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Way Station #1
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Way Station #2
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Way Station #3
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Way Station #4
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Way Station #5
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Man in Black #1
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Man in Black #2
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Man in Black #3
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Man in Black #4
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Man in Black #5
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: Evil Ground #1
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: Evil Ground #2
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: So Fell Lord Perth
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: Sheemie's Tale #1
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: Sheemie's Tale #2
Mroczna Wieża - Rewolwerowiec: Początek podróży (Albatros)
Mroczna Wieża - Rewolwerowiec: Siostrzyczki z Elurii (Albatros)
Mroczna Wieża - Rewolwerowiec: Bitwa o Tull (Albatros)
Mroczna Wieża - Rewolwerowiec: Przydrożny zajazd (Albatros)
Mroczna Wieża - Rewolwerowiec: Człowiek w czerni (Albatros)
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